Here are 6 reasons why it is important to get a good night's sleep:

Here are 6 reasons why it is important to get a good night's sleep:

  1. Increases creativity: When the brain is rested and hormone production is balanced, memory functions perfectly.


  1. Helps you lose weight: Lack of sleep causes fat cells to release less leptin, the appetite-suppressing hormone. Insomnia also causes the stomach to release more ghrelin (the appetite hormone). Both of these actions cause you to sleep less and eat more.😨


  1. It makes you healthier: Our immune system uses sleep time to regenerate itself, which allows it to fight effectively against toxins and germs that continually threaten us.


  1. Improves memory: Sleep strengthens neuronal connections. During REM sleep, the hippocampus, the storehouse of our memory, is restored, transforming short-term memory into long-term memory.


  1. Protects the heart: A recent study published in the European Heart Journal states that insomniacs are three times more likely to suffer heart failure than those who sleep at least 8 hours.


  1. Reduces depression: When we sleep, the body relaxes and this facilitates the production of melanin and serotonin. These hormones counteract the effects of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) makes us happier and emotionally stronger.


So girls go to sleep! 😴